Event Summary: “Hacktivists, Cyberwarriors and International Relations”

In recent weeks, the International Relations Society hosted a conference on Hacktivism at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. Given the event’s focus on social action via the Internet, a few members from the Boler Research Team attended. Here is a quick summary of some of the highlights. How secure are weContinue reading “Event Summary: “Hacktivists, Cyberwarriors and International Relations””

The “Colbert Bump”

American Political Science Association has discovered that Democratic politicians that go on the Colbert Report get a spike in donations following their appearance. This effect is called the “Colbert Bump.” His analysis finds that Democrats who appear on The Colbert Report enjoy a significant increase in the number and total amount of donations they receiveContinue reading “The “Colbert Bump””

Helping the almost journalists be journalists

Dan Gilmour, author of We The Media, has an article on the Center for Citizen Media about the future of journalism lying in the helping of what he terms as “almost-journalists” doing actual journalism. He points to organizations such as the ACLU or Human Rights Watch, uncovering gross instances of abuse as examples of veryContinue reading “Helping the almost journalists be journalists”

Media ownership in the USA

Neatorama has put together some graphics that illustrate what large corporations control in the television media. It’s rather scary seeing how only a few companies control how much of what we see and hear. I’m sure that it becomes a nightmare when radio, newspapers, and the internet are included. Here’s the graphic that shows whatContinue reading “Media ownership in the USA”

New On Youtube Today: Encouraging Citizen Journalism

The Youtube blog announced today the start of a new kind of channel: The Reporter Channel. Touting the media revolution, the channels are for: People who tote around their cameras offering “on-the-scene” coverage of local news and events Students producing their own weekly newscasts Active community members who conduct interviews with local leaders Engaged citizensContinue reading “New On Youtube Today: Encouraging Citizen Journalism”

CBC sharing news footage

The Edmonton Sun is reporting that the CBC has inked a deal with Global to share some media resources. The editorial that covers this raises questions about how a government-funded broadcaster ought to act with private broadcasters and how the CBC should treat other institutions owned by the crown. Something is rotten when government institutionsContinue reading “CBC sharing news footage”