Throttling web traffic is a good thing: Bell Canada

wired blog: “Bell Canada, the largest telecom provider in Canada, argues that throttling — the practice of slowing down web speeds for “bandwidth hogs” — ultimately improves the user experience and stokes innovation.” Of course this comes after Bell was lambasted for throttling, do you think Bell would be so forthcoming about all the benefitsContinue reading “Throttling web traffic is a good thing: Bell Canada”

Paranoia or real reason to panic: the death of “free” internet

According to an article on American Free Press, Canadian ISPs (Bell & Telus) are paving the way for a new pay-as-you-go cable inspired system that will be in place by 2010 and will serve as a model for the implementation of this system world-wide: “By 2012 ISPs all over the globe will reduce Internet accessContinue reading “Paranoia or real reason to panic: the death of “free” internet”