Create a video describing Bill C61 in 61 seconds

You can do it! More information can be found here. From Michael Geist: “Tens of thousands of Canadians have spoken out against Bill C-61 over the past month. In addition to the letters, MP meetings, and town halls, many have created mashups, videos, comics, posters, photos, and other creative art to express their disappointment andContinue reading “Create a video describing Bill C61 in 61 seconds”

TV is for old people, Conservatives want to make internet illegal

Variety is reporting on a study that concludes that the average TV viewer age is now 50. Old people watch TV, young people interact on the internet I guess. In Canada, the Conservative federal government is “updating” the copyright laws and part of their insane plan is basically to make anyone under 50 a criminal.Continue reading “TV is for old people, Conservatives want to make internet illegal”

Canada Fights! for the Right! of Sony, EMI, Universal…

. On Thursday June 12, Canada’s Digital Milliennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Bill C-61 was barfed out of generic politician Jim Prentice’s mouth. It was simultaneously vomit and the sputum of an industry that voraciously profited from inefficient music delivery systems to become the bloated, pussy mess it is today. Read more about it here